Sunday, August 17, 2008

I've Been Tagged, don't worry You are not next..

Two names you go by:
1. Mommy
2. Loopie

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. New York hat
2. Wedding ring

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Garden ( I grew zuccinni's this year! :) )
2. Read

Two things you want very badly at the moment:

1. A shower, just got back from camping.. waiting for the wash to get done ;)
2. to see my mama sita!

Two favorite pets you have had or have now
1. Desi has a pet fish named Princess, she got her for her bday from Uncle Adam.
- Thanks Adam, the best pet ever! very low maintance and doens't shed or leave stains :)
2. Not much of a pet person, however, I have had a couple of really good dogs growing up.

Two people who will fill this out:
1. Not torturing anyone. You're are welcome to use if ya want though. I am not even going to tag anyone... I just thought it would be something fun to post, since I am a slacker. (by the way, sorry about that, I really need a new camara and haven't had any pics to post.. i don't like to post without pics... :)

Two things you did last night:
1. Sat around the campfire with the best company ever!! My family. We all had some great laughs and great memories.
2. Awwhhh! Desi got sand in her eyes and I tortured the poor girl with strapping her hands to her side and dumping water and saline in her eyes to get it out. NOt a happy camper (literally) :)

Two things you ate today
1. HOmemade zuchinni bread! (yes from my garden, I am a little proud, can you tell?)
2. Yummy pancake breakfast with sausage and eggs.

Two things you're doing today:
1. laundry
2. hang out with my dad

The longest car rides:
1. Trip to California. (i am sure there is worse,just haven't been anywhere else)
2. Anywhere, when you need to use the potty. :)

Two favorite holidays:
1. my Wedding Anniversary. Love MY HUBBY!
2. Desi's birthday. I love to see her excitement and a great reminder of how grateful I am of her being apart of our little family.

Two favorite beverages:
1. ooohh, i love a virgin Toffe bar drink from Coffee Creations. It is the MOST devine chocolate, toffee bar, caramel,whip cream smooth, did I mention Chocolate drink I have ever had!
2. Cold, filtered Water, it quenches my thirst the best.

So that pretty much updates ya'll.. LOVE YA! Hope you are all enjoying the rest of your summer.. I can't believe it's almost over.. CRAZY!!!

1 comment:

Piper said...

Hi! Who calls you Loopie?? What about Ambi Bambi? Zuchinni bread is the BEST.... did you add chocolate chips to yours? Is your mom in town???? CALL ME!!!!!