Tuesday, September 11, 2007

7gypsies in detail..(upon request)

I love my job!! I simply contact store owners scrapbooking, craft, hobby and a variety of different designers to sell 7gypsies.
7gypsies has a variety of items from paper, stickers, naked albums to embellishments to gypsy trinkets from the gypsy van. Way cute items to paper craft, scrapbook, card making, oh geez.. you name it.. just about anything! Actually I have seen some very creative and fun things made from these items. But I absolutely love getting to know each customer and assisting them as they decide on the product that is best for them and the growth of their business. I have become very close with a lot of my customers and look forward to building relationships with them. 7gypsies is definitely not your ordinary supplier. I say.. OUT with the cutesie stuff and IN with the new vintage look, it is empowering the market and is so much more classy looking! Take a look for yourself..

1 comment:

Piper said...

Amber I love it! Thanks for showing all the cute stuff! I absolutely love this style!